Monday Miscellany--The Messy Version

This weeks miscellany is brought to you by the many messes of my number one son.....

Here is the Little Guy enjoying a cupcake at his buddy Ethan's 2nd birthday party.  You may remember this picture from the party last year....amazing the difference!!!

How cute are these three little buddies enjoying their birthday treats?

We love sandwiches in our house.  Everyday we take the pieces of bread apart and each the jelly and peanut butter off of the bread before eating the bread.  We no longer eat with a shirt on.  It is way too messy.

Just the Littlest Guy saying hi!

Apparently someone wanted goldfish for breakfast.  Sigh....

Helping Mama lick the batter after making scotchies.  I finally posted the recipe after I promised it last week!

Apparently the fish wanted to go swimming in the water table.  Sigh....again.  

Hope your week is full of fun and less mess than me!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. For some reason your post have not been updating in my blog roll, so I am glad I stopped by for a visit. I know all about shirtless eating. I don't think Bennett will be a clean eater until he is 10 years old.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ah! Big sighs...A+ for creativity though?


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